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Regional Offices

​​About​​ > Regional Offices

A map displaying the counties associated with each DDA Regional Office. The Western Maryland Regional Office is associated with Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick, and Carroll counties. The Central Maryland Regional Office is associated with Harford, Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel counties, and Baltimore City. The Eastern Shore Regional Office is associated with Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester counties. The Southern Maryland Regional Office is associated with Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary's counties.

The Developm​ental Disabilities Administration (DDA) has organized our service delivery system into four regions to serve our stakeholders throughout the state of Maryland. Each regional office has a team of staff to oversee the services we provide.

The Regional Teams include:

Eligibility Team -  responsible for taking applications on individuals who are interested in applying for services through the DDA. Eligibility determinations are made based on criteria set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland (COMAR) 10.22.18. These regulations delineate the eligibility and access determination process involved in obtaining services.

Quality Enhancement Team - assists community providers in the delivery of high-quality services to developmentally disabled individuals living and working in the community. The areas reviewed and assessed in residential, support, vocational and day programs include environment, health and safety, community integration and other services provided by community agencies.

Fiscal Team - responsible for funding services to individuals with developmental disabilities in the Central Maryland Region. Funding is accomplished through the use of contracts, grants and the Fee Payment System. The team is responsible for developing and maintaining databases regarding record keeping systems, procurement, planning and data analysis.

Self-Advocacy Team - works with local outreach groups. In addition, they train people to advocate for themselves.
