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​​​​​​​​Waivers & Policies > Forms​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Thi​​​s page is the main location for forms and worksheets related to DDA services, supports, and programs. The Table of Contents below can help you quickly navigate to the topic you are interested in.

Fiscal Fo​​​​​r​​​​ms

​​​​Financial Incident Report Form

The DDA maintains a financial incident reporting system for DDA providers in accordance with a recommendation by the Task Force on the Quality of Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities.

The financial incident report form must be completed biannually by DDA providers. ALL DDA providers are required to submit a signed and completed copy of the form twice a year (October 31 and April 30 annually).  The form due on October 31 covers April through September and the form due on April 30 covers October through March.

Forms should be returned to with the subject header “FINANCIAL INCIDENT REPORT FORM.” These forms are due by April 30 and October 31 each year.

In addition, DDA expects all agencies licensed by or under contract with DDA to report bankruptcy filings to the Chief Financial Officer of DDA and the Provider Relations office within 24 hours of the filing.​

​Contributions ​to Care and Room and Board

Contributions to Care (CTC) Invoices:
Other CTC Documentation:

Cost Det​ail Tool

Cost Reports a​nd ​​Wage Survey​

Webinar & PowerPoint

FY2024 Cost Report

FY2023 Cost Report

FY2022 Cost Report

FY 2021 Cost Report

FY 2020 Cost Report

Federal Billing Forms

Provider ​Agreement

DDA Procurement ​​Exemption

Community Path​​​way​​s Wa​​​iver Non-FPS Services (excluding Behavioral Support Services)